Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Morning Sickness??

So once again a situation arose where as a man I am falling very short in the understanding and sympathy department. Morning sickness has arrived and while the morning doesn't really seem to necessarily have anything to do with it, apparently it does exist.

Now I am doing my best to be accommodating and sympathetic but it seems to me that whenever I might be down, out and maybe in need of a little sympathy myself this mythical sickness rears it's ugly head. I am often not sure that this morning sickness thing is for real or if it is a large conspiracy perpetuated by women around the world to keep us ill informed men on edge during the early stages of pregnancy. Now what amazes me even more about this potential myth is that they somehow have convinced the doctors to be on board with this as in our first visit I was informed of the effects of morning sickness and how it will only get worse before it gets better.

Now before women everywhere determine that I am a insensitive jerk I too have felt these symptoms, headache, nausea and things getting worse before they get better. Typically this is referred to as a hangover and I'm usually told it's my own fault. So while I don't necessarily agree with it I will go along with it and do whatever I can to make things more tolerable for my wife in her time of need. However, when this time is over and I wake up some morning ailing from a few too many the night before, I will cash in my chips and remind her of "morning sickness"

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