Monday, November 17, 2008

It's 3AM...Do You Know What Your Pregnant Wife is Doing??

Greetings all this is Carrie, Owen was kind enough to set me up with an account so I can be a guest contributor on occasion. I hope you all are enjoying Owen’s blog as much as I am. I find myself asking him daily if he has added anything or checking the site at work to see if he is being as counterproductive as I. Just a couple side notes I would like to add and embarrass my husband. First, he has been super supportive and loving throughout this experience so far even though we are only 2 months in, I find Owen getting softer and softer as the days pass. Second, both Owen and I pulled the morning sickness card while registering the other night. Owen was ready for his evening feeding, while mine was pregnancy induced.

Alright, on to my entry. I thought I should probably make a guest appearance every once in a while since we are taking you on this wild ride with us. As with most pregnant women, I find myself tossing and turning at night, unable to sleep. I find this hard to believe as there is no way it makes sense. During the day I am a zombie, walking around aimlessly, sleep and coffee deprived. I usually crash around 9 or 10 p.m. and usually am the first in the house to head off to bed. I typically count on a good 5 or 6 hours of sleep but rarely make it the entire night. For my entry I thought I would let you all in on my world at 3:00 a.m. I have compiled a list of ways I stay occupied. Feel free to borrow.

1. Work, catch up on email. Boring right?
2. Annoy the dogs and do everything possible to keep them from going back to bed. Jerks!!
3. Watch Fresh Prince of Bel Air re-runs. What a great show.
4. Walk into our room at night to grab random items, testing how many times I can do it before waking up the husband. I’m up to 3.
5. Catch up on trashy celebrity gossip. Recommended sites: and
6. Canvass the kitchen. Nothing really sounds good and would probably make me throw up but at least it’s something to do.
7. Write my contributing entry for Man Pregnancy
8. Look thru my phone and see if there’s anyone else up at this time that I could call and talk to. I should call my other pregnant friend Becca. I know she has trouble sleeping too. Maybe she’ll want to hang out…
9. Shop online for baby gifts. Has Owen mentioned my sister is also pregnant so I’m going to be an aunt too?
10. Move my tossing and turning (or as Owen calls it jumping-jacks in bed) to the living room couch. I should at least try to go back to sleep. After all, my alarm is set to go off in 30 minutes.

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