Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Excuse Me, Did You Say Doctor?

Clearly this blog starts in November and as I said we found out in mid October so there is a little catching up I want to do before we get into the current posts moving forward. Tomorrow is our first ultrasound which apparently means we get to see a heartbeat but I'll talk about that later, for now I want to talk about what has already past.

So first there was the task of confirming the news and determining the next steps. Now I don't know what I was expecting but when I got home from San Diego I know my ears heard that Carrie was pregnant but my eyes didn't see it and nothing felt different so it was still strange to consider a doctors visit but that was where we were headed the following week.

Arriving at the clinic I was definitely jittery, for one I hate hospitals and clinics and secondly I was going into a OB/GYN office. This should not be an issue for me as I've spent plenty of time in such offices growing up. You might be asking yourself why and I should have qualified the last sentence by explaining that my own father is an OB/GYN. So I don't know what it is but sitting in that waiting room brought about a variety of strange memories. There was the time one of my teachers in middle school told me she was going to see my dad for a doctors visit. Or the time I was at a friends house and his mom had "appt. w/Dr. Kemp" on her calendar, both very strange moments for me. Now I will say many were very complimentary of my dad as a physician and we frequently ran into parents with their kids whom he had delivered and my dad was always as happy to see them as they were him. Still though I was going to see the other side of things now, the side of the patient.

One pee test and a short walk to an exam room and I'm praying to god that those stirrups in front of me aren't going to be used on this trip because I'm not ready for that. After some reassurance from my wife that this was just a preliminary visit and that wouldn't occur the doctor came in. She seems nice enough, interesting she brought a laptop, and now we are talking about all things pregnancy. Now I don't know how everyone does it but this particular visit the doctor goes through what you can expect, concerns, procedures, pregnancy and delivery 101. In short the doctor scares you into wishing you weren't having a baby. I'm rehashing every scratch, cut and illness in my life trying to determine if it in some way predisposes my future child to a horrible disease or problem. She's talking vacuums and C-sections, surgery and I'm' not sure I do or even want to understand it all. After all that and the various prospects for what can go wrong during delivery and the pregnancy we are reassured that everything will be fine and we are sent on our way. So out the door we go, wide eyed to the car and on our way, the joys of the journey to parenthood right?...next up sharing the news...

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