Friday, July 3, 2009

A Marathon, Not a Sprint...

Well we're a little over a week in and so far we've survived. Anna is doing great although she seems to have it out for us and our regular sleep schedule of the past. You hear mixed reviews from other new parents, some say sleep comes fairly easy and others say there is no sleep. I think we'd tend to find ourselves closer to the side of the sleepless in week one but it's all worth it and Anna is a funny one.

A big thank you to the grandma's and grandpa's that have been here to help early and those that are still on the way. Also to those who've extended there well wishes through calls, cards and thoughts over the past week, thank you.

As far as the business at hand of being a parent and father, there are inevitably some entertaining stories that I'd like to get on paper in the near future and have thus modified the name of the blog for a continuing look at our next phase of parenthood. While we certainly experienced changes in those 9 months of pregnancy, it's clear that those pale in comparison to those of truly raising a child. Not sure anything can fully prepare you for this but here we go and it's time to enjoy the ride.

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