Monday, July 13, 2009

Bath Time...

Today we've graduated. The belly button fell off last week and we've been able to give Anna baths in the baby tub. So far it's been all Carrie as she's done them when I've been at work, but tonight I got my shot.

A short instructional from Carrie and I've got the bath situated and water running. Now I seem to recall purchasing some sort of water temperature tester during the baby supply stockpiling and it seems like this would be where that comes into play. Ah, yes the rubber duck with a hot censor on the bottom, here it is and away we go.

I draw a lukewarm bath thinking that they probably don't want it too hot and this is the safest. Stick my hand in, no problem...feels perfect. Better check with the rubber duck hot water censor though before proceeding. Drop in the duck wait a minute and turn it over...HOT!!! Really? I ask myself, but yield my own common sense to the power of the duck.

Well all is ok because Carrie is currently feeding Anna so it will have time to cool. A few minutes later, drop in the duck...HOT!!! I ask myself if something is wrong as it now almost feels like a swimming pool on a hot summer day, not cold but far from hot. Again I yield to the power of the duck and decide I'll add some cold water to the equation.

Cold water added, a few more minutes of cooling and this bath is pretty much room temperature. Curiosity get's the best of me and I drop the duck in the water...HOT!!! Now what the hell is this, do they want me to give my daughter a bath in a pitcher of ice water. I pull the duck out contemplate turning it into a dog chew toy and vent my frustration. Now I'm simply holding this rubber duck temperature censor in the air dry as can be and it's still telling me...HOT!!!

Fortunately Carrie got involved we ended up with a good bath and all is again well with Anna and bathtime, but I have learned my lesson. I will either be investing in a more sensitive hot water temperature measurement tool or using my own common sense, but I will never again yield power to "the duck."

I will however be keeping the duck around for future bath time play...while this thing may not serve it's purpose, it does look fun.

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