Thursday, June 11, 2009

Down to the Wire

So we are truly down to the final hours, days or this point no one is sure. Went to the doctor on Tuesday and everything is pretty much good to go, Carrie is "progressing" quickly and it's just a matter of when this new guy or gal wants to come into the world I guess.

I'm fairly certain Carrie is ready for this to be over with. It's turned into pretty much a nightly event of her being up from 3-6 or so because she isn't able to sleep for a variety of reasons. It's actually become so frequent that I haven't even noticed her getting up lately and only realize it when I see random facebook comments from her at 3:46 in the morning.

If there is one thing I think I have learned through all this it's that man pregnancy is a funny thing. To us it's pretty much a slow and steady ride with little bumps in the road as opposed to a woman who rides a rollercoaster of emotion, changes and I'm pretty sure hormones come into play somewhere along the way too.

I think for men the rollercoaster begins when the baby really get's here or at least when things finally seem imminent which has happened for me very recently. I'll admit it, I've been a little stressed the past couple of weeks hoping we've got everything in order and ready. Last weekend we made a major house cleaning effort so that at the very least we had one part of our lives in order. I guess it will probably be the last time we'll feel like that for a while but it should be fun.

As I'm writing this Carrie is on another Doc visit because they wanted to check on things due to some cramping and mild contractions. Who knows I could be in the hospital tonight. Very strange, very exciting and it really does change your perspective on things a bit I suppose. Obviously there are many chapters in life but I'm not sure any have this definitive of a beginning. The baby is there and that's that, no easing into things with this one.

So onto my best effort at remaining focused at work, it's been tough lately having that impending birth thing in my's kind of like trying to be productive at work the day before vacation or on Christmas eve. Despite your best efforts, it's impossible.

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