Tuesday, June 23, 2009

and away we go!!!!

Nope, it hasn't happened yet but it looks like we're scheduled for parenthood either June 24th or 25th. Tomorrow morning we head into the hospital for LABOR INDUCTION!!!

Talk about another strange feeling in the course of this whole pregnancy thing. Suddenly we had the opportunity to decide if and when we wanted to go ahead and do this. Carrie has progressed very well over the past couple of weeks and the doctor said she was a great candidate to be induced if we were ready to have the baby. READY...are you kidding!!! Is that a question that the answer is ever yes to. Maybe not, but we said yes anyway and away we go.

I'm already sitting here at home thinking of all the things I could get done tonight before heading in tomorrow. All the while my poor dogs have no idea what is about to happen.

I guess from a man's perspective this is a great thing. I was able to mow the yard, pack a bag have one last irresponsible evening at home awaiting impending fatherhood. It's pretty exciting, fun and relieving.

Shockingly though Carrie is the same way. If I were a woman and about to go through childbirth I'm not sure I'd want to know it was coming. I'm sure men don't really face a pain in life similar to childbirth but if we did it would be this....

and I don't know if I would want to know it was coming.

As usual though Carrie has taken it in stride and seems ready as ever for motherhood. So tonight I get my last night of uninterrupted sleep and hopefully I won't have that reoccurring nightmare of Carrie and I at eachothers throats during birth.

Feels like Christmas Eve a little bit I suppose, should be anything but restful and I don't think either one of us can wait for tomorrow.

Hopefully by this time tomorrow we'll have some more news...boy or girl.

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