Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Happy Birthday!!!!

On June 24th Carrie and I were officially scheduled for parenthood with a 7:30am labor induction scheduled. At 6:32pm we became the proud parents of Anna Duvall Kemp a 7 pound 8.4 ounce baby girl. She measured 20 inches long and both the new mommy and baby are doing very well.

So far she prefers to be wrapped up and with her mom, otherwise watch out!!

Looks like the Pink baby basket is going to be a perfect fit.

All Smiles

A restless night and an early morning. All smiles at the hospital so far...goal for the day, Have a baby.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

and away we go!!!!

Nope, it hasn't happened yet but it looks like we're scheduled for parenthood either June 24th or 25th. Tomorrow morning we head into the hospital for LABOR INDUCTION!!!

Talk about another strange feeling in the course of this whole pregnancy thing. Suddenly we had the opportunity to decide if and when we wanted to go ahead and do this. Carrie has progressed very well over the past couple of weeks and the doctor said she was a great candidate to be induced if we were ready to have the baby. READY...are you kidding!!! Is that a question that the answer is ever yes to. Maybe not, but we said yes anyway and away we go.

I'm already sitting here at home thinking of all the things I could get done tonight before heading in tomorrow. All the while my poor dogs have no idea what is about to happen.

I guess from a man's perspective this is a great thing. I was able to mow the yard, pack a bag have one last irresponsible evening at home awaiting impending fatherhood. It's pretty exciting, fun and relieving.

Shockingly though Carrie is the same way. If I were a woman and about to go through childbirth I'm not sure I'd want to know it was coming. I'm sure men don't really face a pain in life similar to childbirth but if we did it would be this....

and I don't know if I would want to know it was coming.

As usual though Carrie has taken it in stride and seems ready as ever for motherhood. So tonight I get my last night of uninterrupted sleep and hopefully I won't have that reoccurring nightmare of Carrie and I at eachothers throats during birth.

Feels like Christmas Eve a little bit I suppose, should be anything but restful and I don't think either one of us can wait for tomorrow.

Hopefully by this time tomorrow we'll have some more news...boy or girl.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Doctor Quote of the Day...

Today Carrie went in for her weekly check as we are on the final countdown to birth. Turns out she's now 4.5cm dilated and over 75% effaced. Sounds to me like we should be having a baby...? The doctors reaction confirms this and earned a quote of the day award.

"I just don't understand what's holding this baby in."

She went on to add that it must be a boy as stubborn as the baby is being. So that's where we're at. Ready and waiting, seems like something should be happening but it's not. Due date is still June 30th but it is seeming very unlikely that we make it that far as next week at 39 weeks we may be inducing labor.

One Last Class

Oh boy...last night was our final class with anything related to the baby. We've done the childbirth class, we've done the child care class but last night we went to the dreaded breast feeding class!! My worst nightmare, a room full of women learning to breast feed.

My initial thought here is surely my participation or attendance wouldn't be necessary. To my knowledge a man doesn't really contribute here I thought of it a little like that class in college that was easy and unimportant enough that you could pass the test just by knowing someone who took it and getting all the answers. Furthermore, I would put money on possibly being the first official male graduate of breast feeding class in my family. What an honor.

However, the dreaded "support" word get's tossed around and again I'm front and center holding onto this fake baby doll watching video's about "proper latch."

Now there were a multitude of jaw dropping moments within the class for me but fortunately I was slightly late and missed the two that might have been deal breakers. I arrived about 15 minutes late for class and it was well under way on my arrival. As with any class there is the "ice breaker" get to know everyone portion, followed by any initial questions. This is what I missed and I was later informed by Carrie that it was a good thing.

First off our lactation specialist who is teaching the class discusses her experiences in breastfeeding her three children. She has a 4 year old, a 2 year old and a 9 month old. Perhaps I'm way out of line here and if I am consider me now educated but I would have assumed that only the 9 month old was currently breastfeeding. Wrong!!! Apparently the 4 year old and 2 year old are still as well. To each his own I suppose and I'm sure there is a good argument for this being a beneficial thing but I'm not sure and I'm glad I wasn't in the room quite yet.

Next comes the stupid husband question/comment of the night. In our group of 6 couples I'm fairly sure only two husbands even spoke and the first one to chime in proceeds to ask if breast milk was something adults could have, following that question up with the comment, "not that I'm into that." I think that would have been my signal to depart but alas I was about 15 minutes late missing stupid question #1 of the evening.

Keeping a long story short this was by far the most uncomfortable I've ever been in one of these classes yet and I've never been happier to "graduate." The class prior to this, child care, I actually almost enjoyed learning to change a diaper. I envisioned myself as a rodeo participant dominating the calf roping competition as I successfully changed the diaper in record time. There is no such analogy or fun to be had though in breast feeding class.

Breast pumps, proper latch, massaging the breasts to release milk...I'm not sure where I come into play here but all in all it was educational and something I never want to sit through again. Three hours in class, in a tiny room is enough to drive me up the wall. Add in the subject matter of the evening and it wasn't easy.

Certainly I would do it again in a heartbeat if Carrie asked but hopefully we're both well versed after this class, all goes well after birth and we won't be re-learning anytime soon.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Down to the Wire

So we are truly down to the final hours, days or this point no one is sure. Went to the doctor on Tuesday and everything is pretty much good to go, Carrie is "progressing" quickly and it's just a matter of when this new guy or gal wants to come into the world I guess.

I'm fairly certain Carrie is ready for this to be over with. It's turned into pretty much a nightly event of her being up from 3-6 or so because she isn't able to sleep for a variety of reasons. It's actually become so frequent that I haven't even noticed her getting up lately and only realize it when I see random facebook comments from her at 3:46 in the morning.

If there is one thing I think I have learned through all this it's that man pregnancy is a funny thing. To us it's pretty much a slow and steady ride with little bumps in the road as opposed to a woman who rides a rollercoaster of emotion, changes and I'm pretty sure hormones come into play somewhere along the way too.

I think for men the rollercoaster begins when the baby really get's here or at least when things finally seem imminent which has happened for me very recently. I'll admit it, I've been a little stressed the past couple of weeks hoping we've got everything in order and ready. Last weekend we made a major house cleaning effort so that at the very least we had one part of our lives in order. I guess it will probably be the last time we'll feel like that for a while but it should be fun.

As I'm writing this Carrie is on another Doc visit because they wanted to check on things due to some cramping and mild contractions. Who knows I could be in the hospital tonight. Very strange, very exciting and it really does change your perspective on things a bit I suppose. Obviously there are many chapters in life but I'm not sure any have this definitive of a beginning. The baby is there and that's that, no easing into things with this one.

So onto my best effort at remaining focused at work, it's been tough lately having that impending birth thing in my's kind of like trying to be productive at work the day before vacation or on Christmas eve. Despite your best efforts, it's impossible.