Monday, December 8, 2008

Cold Symptoms

I’ve been a bit lazy, under the weather, and busy with the bachelor party over the past weekend so I haven’t been able to update in a little while. So, I figured work is as good as any place to write up a little something.

After spending the holidays in Kansas City and one fun filled afternoon in the cold and rain watching my Kansas Jayhawks crush the delusions of Missouri Tiger fans everywhere I returned home with the dreaded cold/flu. What does that mean when your wife is pregnant? It means you move out. Well not completely but you move out of the bedroom, you sleep on the twin bed in the neighboring room and live off of Nyquil, Dayquil and whatever else you can scrounge together from the kitchen and pharmacy. The tricky part is convincing her you are now well enough to move back in and if anyone has advice on that remedy for the future let me know. See a funny thing happened since I’ve been sleeping in a separate room. Carrie has discovered that the queen size bed is much roomier than she remembered and those 3am blog postings she used to think about are no longer relevant since she doesn’t wake up at 3am tossing and turning. In short when I move out, Carrie moves to the middle of the bed. So while I have gotten her convinced that I am well enough to move back in, I think she is waiting for a cough or sniffle to kick me back out so that she can remain the queen of the castle.

Another side effect of my illness was I am now on the hook for 3 “go get me” coupons. Carrie was kind enough to go out and grab me some Nyquil on my worst night, but in this moment of weakness I agreed to go get her anything she might need or crave on three separate occasions during the pregnancy. I’m sure I have started a disturbing trend, but who am I really kidding?

With regards to the actual pregnancy, Carrie had her second doctors visit after we returned from the holiday and everything continues to look perfectly normal. I believe we are at week 11 in the whole thing and I must admit it sure seems like longer. The next visit will be in early January but as far as any big news I don’t think we can find out what we are having until week 20 or so. Although there is a neat story with regards to that and I will share it later this week.